Drew Landry and the BP Blues

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I was moved by the presentation that is going across the net the past week- I run open mics and am having a fundraiser for charity July 31st and Aug 21st- WAMPP Wine Art Music Poetry Project.

However in spite of how we go on with our daily lives- working, eating, drinking good wines, and heading down to the Jersey shore on the weekends, we have to remember that others lives are devastated and have had to make changes that affect them and their families for years to come.

We know first hand what it is like to reflect on life, what it holds, and what it takes away from us. I myself have lost something I cherished dearly, and have had to move on, but it has made me more sensitive to others for that very reason.

Sometimes its others fault, and sometimes its just what the cards hold for our destiny- you cannot pair a wine with sorrow, pain, or disaster. Only share a good bottle with friends and family and take the time to reflect the good things we are able to have each day.

Please take a moment and remember these people, their family and friends who might live a different life than we do…make that next ‘Cheers’ when you clink your glass with friends and help support their cause friends…

Issues with an overload of viewing the ‘Drew Landry BP Blues’ video will not stay on here, but go check him out, as he is really a great singer/songwriter, and what he has written about the BP Oil Spill (my own roots in the south) is worthy of viewing…

In memoriam of the ones lost to war, disease, and to the ones who lost their lives for human error…

BP Oil Spill Updates and random information @ Dirty Cajuns


  1. Thanks-we remember the spill down here everyday, Thanks for thinking of us!

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